There are mentors and teachers whose voices echo with us long after we’ve left the classroom – those who have guided, inspired, challenged, and held a safe space for our personal exploration. This 200-hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training will provide you the resources knowledge and insight to ground your practice and be an inspiration to yourself and others.
Your own practice will be essential in this journey and we will support you in its development. You will establish a foundation of discipline and awareness; you will be challenged to question your assumptions, habits, and comfort zones and you will learn how these observations translate into making you an effective and empowering teacher.
The training will consist of daily asana, pranayama, and meditation. We will study philosophy, anatomy, the art of creative and intelligent sequencing, and the history and traditions of yoga. We will also hold masterclasses led by experienced teachers from varied disciplines and traditions.
This training is for those who care about mentoring and development, who want to carry on the legacy of the teachers who have had an impact on their lives. While we suggest a minimum of one year of regular Vinyasa practice, this program is open to all. Our training is designed to meet you where you are and help you activate your unique potential so that you can share it with others.
200-hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training
Free introduction workshops
We want you to be able to find out if you will feel at home at Yagoy, in the space, and also in the style of teaching taught in this TT, therefore we invite you to the free pre TT workshops where you can enjoy a 60 minute practice with Gregory & Gretchen, hear more about the training details and ask your questions. You can sign up for this workshop here or by sending an email to . The location of the workshops is same as the trainings: Yagoy Pijp, Karel du Jardinstraat 33 BG.
See below the dates:
Sunday 20 November - 18:00-20:00
Training and Practice:
Asana (physical yoga practice)
Pranayama (breath practice)
Mindfulness and meditation practice and techniques
Exploration of the various lineages of Yoga
Practice Teaching
Anatomy and Physiology:
Functional anatomy and kinesiology (the study of body movement)
Traditional asana alignment and variations
Injury prevention
Working with injuries and various levels of mobility
Supportive and effective hands-on assisting techniques
Teaching Methodology:
Holding a safe and inclusive space
Developing themes – Teaching from the heart
Creative and dynamic sequencing
Preparing the body for peak asana
Chakras – Teaching to the energy body
The principles of Ayruveda
Restorative and Yin Yoga
Prenatal Yoga
Philosophy and Teacher Ethics:
The history and traditions of Yoga
The Bhagavad Gita (the Yoga of Union)
The Yoga Sutras (a guide for ethical living)
Yoga’s journey to the West
Teacher ethics and standards of conduct
Yoga and sacred activism
The business of Yoga
Master Classes:
Sanskrit and the Sacred Sounds
Ayurveda Traditions and Applications
Yin Yoga and the Meridian System
Bhakti, Kirtan and Mantra
Body Mechanics and Injury Prevention
Community Building and Inclusivity
The Business of Yoga
Practical assignments
Written assignments
Karma Yoga (volunteer hours)
Final Teaching Exams
There will be a mid-term written examination to help determine your readiness before entering the final weeks of training. This will not contribute to the final evaluation but can be used as an indicator of areas in need of further study.
In the final weekend, there will be a written and practical exam. Additionally, full and active participation in all weekends is required. Please inform us in advance if you are not able to attend a weekend.
Required reading
The leading teacher training manual is provided by us and is included in the price of the course. In addition to the manual, the following books are required:
The Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali – Translation with Commentary by Sri Swami Satchidananda
The Living Gita: The Complete Bhagavad Gita – Sri Swami Satchidananda
Teaching Yoga: Essential Foundations and Techniques- Mark Stephens
Yogabody: Anatomy, Kinesiology & Asana – Judith Hanson Lasater Ph.D., P.T.
Optional additions/recommendations:
Teaching Yoga: Exploring the Teacher-Student Relationship – Donna Fahri
Jivamukti Yoga: Practices for Liberating Body and Soul – Sharon Gannon and David Life
Journey Into Power – Baron Baptiste
The Science of Yoga: The Risks and Rewards – William J. Broad
Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice Manual – David Swenson
All books can be ordered online ( or
Daily Schedule
19:00 – 21:30 Masterclass
Saturdays and Sundays:
8:30 – 9:45 Practice (Asana, Pranayama, Meditation)
10:00 – 12:30 Themed talks and discussion (Topics: Anatomy, Philosophy, Methodology, Ethics)
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 – 17:00 Asana and Assisting (including analysis of postures, sequence integration and preparation, and teaching practice)
All training weekends take place in Yagoy Pijp (Karel du Jardinstraat 33).
Weekend 1 | 31 March – 2 April
Weekend 2 | 28 – 30 April
Weekend 3 | 26 – 28 May
Weekend 4 | 23 – 25 June
Weekend 5 | 14 – 16 July (midterm exam)
Weekend 6 | 18 – 20 August
Weekend 7 | 15 – 17 September
Weekend 8 | 13 – 16 October
Weekend 9 | 10 – 12 November
Weekend 10 | 8 – 10 December (exam & graduation)
This training is a commitment to yourself and also to your community, your instructors, and those training alongside you. Expect homework, projects, in-class presentations, and karma yoga. During this teacher training, you are required to develop a daily asana practice, attend at least 3 group classes per week, and at least one class per month with Gretchen or Gregory. It is essential to be a dedicated student in order to become an empowered teacher.
After graduating from this Teacher Training you are eligible for a Yoga Alliance RYT-200 (Registered Yoga Teacher who has finished a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School (RYS)).
Teaching Faculty
This Teacher Training is led by Gregory Lennon & Gretchen Garnett. They are honoured and excited to guide you through this process. Also, several guest teachers with their own expertise will teach themed masterclasses over the course of the training.
Gregory Lennon
Gregory first began learning about the philosophy of Yoga as a teen, intrigued by the works of W. Somerset Maugham and the 19thcentury American Transcendentalist poets. However, it would be years before he would draw the connection between this philosophy of universal unity and the Saturday morning fitness programs featuring contorting teachers in leotards. In 2001, Gregory first came to his yoga mat, seeking refuge from the rigors of a demanding career. Here he saw how the asana could be an extension of the mindfulness and meditation practices, enabling him to connect with and befriend his body.
In 2008 he found his Yoga home at Tranquil Space in Washington, DC. It was in this community that he would complete his 200-hour teacher training, and in 2014 decide to leave his previous career and make teaching his vocation. Gregory’s fascination with body-mind connection also led him to train in traditional massage and herbal medicine at the world-renowned Wat Pho school in Bangkok.
For Gregory, Yoga is a life philosophy augmented and explored through asana on the mat. He connects the central themes from global wisdom-based traditions and modern psychology. His classes are dynamic and strength-based, and he empowers students to take this exploration into all aspects of their lives.
Gretchen Garnett
Gretchen has been in love with movement from a young age. She began dance lessons at age four and was introduced to yoga through her dance training as a way to increase strength and flexibility. She had been practicing yoga for a decade before she became truly passionate about the practice, finding her home at Laughing Lotus in San Francisco. Gretchen completed her 200-hour teacher training in Laughing Lotus’s signature style, Lotus Flow, in 2012. Since then she has completed another 100 hours of training, focusing on Vinyasa Sequencing and Chakras.
Gretchen’s classes connect movement and breath with the flow of a dance. With her 20 years of experience of teaching movement, first as a dance instructor and now teaching yoga, she is a clear, confident and calm presence in the studio. With creative sequencing, anatomical awareness and a sense of lightness, Gretchen encourages her fellow yogis to find their own expression of the yoga practice and creates an empowering environment where they can move, breathe and smile like themselves.
Training fee
Early bird - €2100
Training fee is paid in full before 1 January, 2023
Regular rate - €2300
Training fee is paid in full before 17 March, 2023
Payment in terms - €2400
Training fee is paid in full before 25 September, 2023 in 4 installments